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Surviving Home-Schooling Through the Corona Crisis (Hardcover)
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Forget five hours of schoolwork a day twenty minutes of instruction combined with good parenting gets the job done. Home-schooler of twenty-years. Wendy Hamilton shows you how. Forget five hours of schoolwork a day twenty minutes (or less) of instruction combined with good mothering is all it takes. In this easy-to-read book Wendy lays out a simple but highly effective method of teaching and answers common questions like: How do you deal with the roller-coaster of emotions home-schooling brings in its wake? What works and doesn t work? How do you juggle housework schoolwork pre-schoolers and your own needs without going crazy? And because a home-school is not a school in a home Wendy paints a picture of a typical home-schooling day so we can see the difference. A must-read for women struggling with home-schooling through the coronavirus.
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