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Pre-Owned Book of Majors (Paperback) 145730774X 9781457307744

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Book of Majors (Paperback) 145730774X 9781457307744
Product Description

The Book of Majors 2017 helps students answer these questions: What s the major for me? Where can I study it? What can I do with it after graduation?Revised and refreshed every year this book is the most comprehensive guide to college majors on the market. In-depth descriptions of 200 of the most popular majors are followed by complete listings of every major offered at more than 3 800 colleges including four-year and two-year colleges and technical schools.The 2017 edition covers every college major identified by the U.S. Department of Education - over 1 200 majors are listed in all. This is also the only guide that shows what degree levels each college offers in a major whether a certificate associate bachelor s master s or doctorate. The guide features:-insights - from the professors themselves - on how each major is taught what preparation students will need other majors to consider and much more.-updated information on career options and employment prospects.-the inside scoop on how students can find out if a college offers a strong program for a particular major what life is like for students studying that major and what professional societies and accrediting agencies to refer to for more background on the major.

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February 6, 2025

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