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The Days of the French Revolution (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Days of the French Revolution (Paperback)
Product Description

Works from Les Misirables by Victor Hugo to Citizens by Simon Schama have been inspired by the French Revolution. Now available for the first time in years The Days of the French Revolution brings to life the events that changed the future of Western civilization. As compelling as any fiction thriller this real-life drama moves from the storming of the Bastille to the doomed court of Louis XVI the salon of Madame Roland and even the boudoir of Marie Antoinette. Hibbert recounts the events that swirled around Napoleon Mirabeau Danton Marat and Robespierre with eyewitness accounts and his usual grace and flair for divulging interesting detail (Booklist). This trade paperback edition has twenty-eight pages of black-and-white illustrations and will be published in time for Bastille Day.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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