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Christmas Riches (Paperback)

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Product Name
Christmas Riches (Paperback)
Product Description

Opposites might attract. But does that include age? Christmas comes early for Aiden Malone in the form of a seductive blue-eyed stranger down on his knees. But a shocking revelation about his new friend has him running for the hills and cursing his stupidity before the night is out. Tom s not prepared to give up that easily. He may be rich where Aiden s poor. Innocent in a way that Aiden isn t. And on the wrong side of twenty. But he s old enough to know what he wants. And that s Aiden. He just needs to persuade the older man to look past his hang-ups about age and wealth. Lust and prejudice pull Aiden in opposite directions severely testing his willpower. As Tom s layers begin to peel away Aiden discovers the younger man s life of privilege may not be all it seems. If Aiden gives in they could have the sweetest Christmas that either of them has ever tasted. But Tom s about to shatter their joy with a surprise announcement. Decisions need to be made on both sides. It s down to Aiden though to stay strong and decide whose happiness is more important. His? Or Tom s? Because they can t have it both ways. It s possible their relationship won t even last as long as it takes for the snow to melt.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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