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SINGER | Sewing Machine Accessory Kit Including 9 Presser Feet Twin Needle and Case Clear - Sewing Made Easy

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Product Name
SINGER | Sewing Machine Accessory Kit Including 9 Presser Feet Twin Needle and Case Clear - Sewing Made Easy
Product Description

SINGER ACCESSORY KIT: The SINGER Sewing Machine Accessory Kit includes 9 presser feet - Blind Hem Cording Darning/Freehand Embroidery Even Feed/Walking Gathering Narrow Rolled Hem Overcasting Satin Stitch Straight Stitch PLUS Twin Needle and SINGER case DURABLE CASE: Case is a durable plastic SINGER custom-fit container and case includes a removable padded insert SEWING MACHINE ACCESSORY KIT: The SINGER Sewing Machine accessories fit most low-shank sewing machines EVEN FEED / WALKING PRESSER FOOT: The even feed foot sometimes called a walking foot is used for sewing several layers of fabric and is a must-have when quilting EMBROIDERY PRESSER FOOT: The SINGER darning & embroidery foot is used for repairing holes or torn areas and is used for creating freehand monograms freehand embroidery thread painting and most free-motion sewing This sewing machine is warranted for use in the US and Canada at 110 volts only

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Last updated
December 3, 2024

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