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Science for Every Kid Janice VanCleave s Food and Nutrition for Every Kid: Easy Activities That Make Learning Science Fun Book 117 (Paperback)

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Science for Every Kid Janice VanCleave s Food and Nutrition for Every Kid: Easy Activities That Make Learning Science Fun Book 117 (Paperback)
Product Description

How does milk help me grow? Where do vitamins come from? Do carrots really strengthen my eyesight? Find out these answers-in Janice VanCleave s Food and Nutrition forEvery Kid. To the delight of children parents and teacherseverywhere America s favorite science teacher brings a welcomeaddition to the popular Science for Every Kid series. Through fun safe and easy-to-do experiments Janice VanCleave teaches kidsages eight to twelve all about food and nutrition. Kids can learn about leavening agents by mixing baking soda withvinegar. They ll explore why different sweeteners vary insweetness how to use natural food dyes to dye a T-shirt and whatthe food pyramid is-plus much more. Each experiment is broken down into a purpose list of materials step-by-step instructions expected results and explanations thatkids can understand. Every project has been tested and can beperformed safely and inexpensively using ordinary householdmaterials.

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March 4, 2025

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