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Come As You Are: Revised and Updated : The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life (Paperback)

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Come As You Are: Revised and Updated : The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life (Paperback)
Product Description

A revised and updated edition of Emily Nagoski s game-changing New York Times bestseller Come As You Are featuring new information and research on mindfulness desire and pleasure that will radically transform your sex life. For much of the 20th and 21st centuries women s sexuality was an uncharted territory in science studied far less frequently--and far less seriously--than its male counterpart. That is until Emily Nagoski s Come As You Are which used groundbreaking science and research to prove that the most important factor in creating and sustaining a sex life filled with confidence and joy is not what the parts are or how they re organized but how you feel about them. In the years since the book s initial publication countless women have learned through Nagoski s accessible and informative guide that things like stress mood trust and body image are not peripheral factors in a woman s sexual wellbeing; they are central to it--and that even if you don t always feel like it you are already sexually whole by just being yourself. This revised and updated edition continues that mission with new information and advanced research demystifying and decoding the science of sex so that everyone can create a better sex life and discover more pleasure than you ever thought possible.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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