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Math with Confidence: First Grade Math with Confidence Bundle: Instructor Guide & Student Workbook (Paperback)

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Product Name
Math with Confidence: First Grade Math with Confidence Bundle: Instructor Guide & Student Workbook (Paperback)
Product Description

Math educator Kate Snow gives parents the tools they need to teach math with confidence. This scripted open-and-go program leads parents and instructors step-by-step through teaching all the concepts first-graders need to master: counting comparing and writing numbers to 100 addition and subtraction facts to 20 addition and subtraction word problems beginning place-value and mental math shapes money time and measurement. Short lively lessons will hold a child s attention by incorporating movement games and real-life situations. Straightforward colorful worksheets give students practice with new concepts and review previously-learned material. Snow makes math fun by including optional enrichment lessons with suggestions for wonderful math picture books to enjoy together and application activities to make math come alive. Beyond just telling parents what to do First Grade Math with Confidence also helps them understand why the lessons are designed the way they are giving them the knowledge and confidence to help their children learn. Using First Grade Math with Confidence will allow parents to build a strong math foundation for their children.

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Last updated
March 1, 2025

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