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Angelbird 512GB AV Pro CF CFast 2.0 Memory Card

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Product Name
Angelbird 512GB AV Pro CF CFast 2.0 Memory Card
Product Description

CFast cards built for continuous shooting and 4k RAW video recording The ubiquity of cinema and DSLR digital cameras that now support 4k RAW recording have been an absolute game changer in the creative production world. Today s advancements in post-production capabilities demands that you shoot in RAW to ensure that your creative work can see it s full potential. As higher resolutions and even higher fps captures continue to break boundaries CFast 2.0 has become the most widely compatible memory media keeping pace with expanding professional digital camera technologies. FASTEST CFAST CARD READ AND WRITE SPEEDS High speeds call out the rebel in all of us. Fast Faster Fastest!!! At Angelbird we like speed a lot. We are Austrians afterall; we created the Porsche and invented downhill skiing! However we value our creative work most of all. While we could build an even faster CFast 2.0 memory card what s the point if it puts your data at risk. The Angelbird AV PRO CFast card pushes the limit with sustained 550 Mb/s read and write speeds and maxes out at 560 Mb/s. Additionally our card delivers consistent and safe performance even under extreme temperatures and unconventional circumstances. Just ask St��phane Granzotto if he ever decides to come up for air! A WORKHORSE CFAST CARD UNAFFECTED BY WORKAHOLIC TENDENCIES With so much to consider in the moment from pulling focus to color composition you need complete trust that the most important elements are captured in sync with your vision - without compromise. The Angelbird AV PRO CFast 2.0 card optimizes mechanical handling resulting in enhanced recording performance while reducing the potential for damage caused by excessive vibration or overheating. What you get is rock-solid onboard recording and memory media for your digital camera that let s you do what you do best- create! BUT WHICH CFAST WILL WORK WITH MY CAMERA MODEL? We get this question a lot. We ve tested hundreds of camera models for compatibility so that you don t have to stress about it. If you have a specific question regarding your camera just drop us a line to [email protected] and we ll give you the 411 on your specific digital camera model. Furthermore if you are seeking a more bespoke option be sure to check out the various custom-crafted media solutions for ARRI and Atomos�� as well as our Match Packs��� for ZCAM��� E2 Panasonic EVA1 Canon�� C200 Blackmagic�� and more...

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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