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Winners Never Quit. Marguerite Rogers Howie: African American Woman Sociologist (Paperback)

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Product Name
Winners Never Quit. Marguerite Rogers Howie: African American Woman Sociologist (Paperback)
Product Description

Little has been written on the life of African-American scholars working in traditionally black colleges and less has been written on the struggles of African-American women scholars. This work provides a lens through which we are able to get a glimpse of the struggles divisions conflicts tensions and solidarity that characterized African-American faculty at traditionally black colleges in the South. Just as macro-level history is most accessible through the close exami- nation of one person s experiences in a particular social-historical context so too the tensions at historically black colleges the concerns of black in- tellectual elite and the status of structure of the black academic commu- nity during the time of the desegragation of white colleges all come alive in Professor Morgan s work. -Steven Worden Associate Professor of Sociology University of Arkansas. This book chronicles and captures the essence of the tribulations experi- enced by Black scholars and faculty in higher education from the 1900s to the present. . . . Hundreds of Black scholars of Higher Education (in- cluding this reader) can relate to and identify with Professor Morgan s comprehesive research and the history he has covered. -Talmadge Anderson Professor Emeritus Washington State University.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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