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Vision Books: Saint Ignatius and the Company of Jesus (Paperback)

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Vision Books: Saint Ignatius and the Company of Jesus (Paperback)
Product Description

This Vision book for youth 9 - 15 years old tells the exciting dramatic story of St. Ignatius of Loyola and the order he founded the Society of Jesus. As a young man Ignatius had dreams of an adventurous life as a soldier. His dreams however did not come true the way he had hoped. Seriously wounded in battle the soldier Ignatius had a profound conversion to Christ during his period of healing and recovery. He abandoned a promising career in the military and dedicated the rest of his life to the service of Christ and the Church. This book tells of his starting one of the most influential orders in the church and gives a graphic account of his adventures his many encounters with popes kings and emperors and the great work the Jesuits did in spreading the Gospel. Illustrated Cover art by Chris Pelicano This book is now part of Renaissance Learning s Accelerated Reader program. Quizzes are currently available.

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March 4, 2025

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