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Fixing Men : Sex Birth Control and AIDS in Mexico (Paperback)

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Product Name
Fixing Men : Sex Birth Control and AIDS in Mexico (Paperback)
Product Description

Most studies on reproductive rights make women their focus but in Fixing Men Matthew Gutmann illuminates what men in the Mexican state of Oaxaca say and do about contraception sex and AIDS. Based on extensive fieldwork this breakthrough study by a preeminent anthropologist of men and masculinities reveals how these men and the women in their lives make decisions about birth control how they cope with the plague of AIDS and the contradictory healing techniques biomedical and indigenous medical practitioners employ for infertility impotence and infidelity. Gutmann talks with men during and after their vasectomies and discovers why some opt for sterilization while so many others feel planned out of family planning.

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Last updated
December 17, 2024

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