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Sprinkle and Trickle Irrigation (Hardcover)

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Sprinkle and Trickle Irrigation (Hardcover)
Product Description

This book first published in 1990 and reprinted here is a comprehensive state-of-the art reference on the design principles and management techniques of two primary agricultural irrigation methods. The book presents a systematic approach to the optimal design management and operation of these two systems. Focusing on the synthesis of the entire design process the authors present the chapters in the sequence used to design systems with the analytical material presented and demonstrated in a concise manner. For the first time in any book Sprinkle and Trickle Irrigation offers complete design strategies and presentations for all of the major types of sprinkle and trickle systems: - Periodic-move - Center-pivot - Traveling sprinkler - Linear-moving - Set sprinkler - Drip spray and line-source Sequential sample calculations that involve the steps in the design of typical irrigation systems are used extensively. As the book progresses these calculations become more comprehensive and are linked together to form complete design packages for the various types of pressurized systems. The book also presents a section on selecting pressurized irrigation systems a review of soil-plant-water relationships unique insight into pipeline hydraulics and economics design specifications for fertilization and frost control a glossary and an annotated bibliography of ASAE Standards for Pressurized Irrigation Systems. Sprinkle and Trickle Irrigation is an important practical reference for agricultural engineers irrigation system designers and agricultural managers as well as a vital text for professors and researchers in agricultural engineering. Sprinkle and Trickle Irrigation presents beginning-to-end coverage of the processes and computations needed in the planning and design of sprinkle and trickle irrigation systems. The textbook is created for the thinking person who desires more than cookie-cutter recipes or simple routine rule-of-thumb designs. Rather the authors of Sprinkle and Trickle Irrigation present concise rationale and philosophy behind each computation formula figure and table. They decouple recommended design parameters into underlying components that can be recoupled at the time of the design to apply to specific cases and situations. In the process the reader gains visualization skills that allow him/her to peer inside an irrigation system both hydraulically economically and operationally. Sprinkle and Trickle Irrigation is a classic design text and reference that should be on every practitioner s desk. The chapters on center-pivot linear-move and travelling sprinklers go well beyond other current texts. Solid and encompassing economics are infused into all design topics including application distribution and pumping systems. I have lectured out of Sprinkle and Trickle Irrigation for twelve years at the university-senior level. I am confident that all students who completed this design course know not only how to design efficient and effective pressurized irrigation systems but also know why they use the procedures that they use. Dr. Richard G. Allen Professor University of Idaho

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Last updated
January 14, 2025

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