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Education Reform in the American States (PB) (Paperback)

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Product Name
Education Reform in the American States (PB) (Paperback)
Product Description

Education Reform in the American States is a timely evaluation of the accountability movement in American public education culminating in the No Child Left Behind Act federal legislation of 2002. The authors treat the current accountability movement placing it in historical context and addressing the evolution in public education policymaking from the overwhelming emphasis on state and local discretion to increasing federal oversight and mandates related to federal funding. They provide case studies of the educational accountability movements in nine states and analyze the factors and forces which explain progress in achievement levels as measured on standardized tests and the states prospects for meeting their NCLB targets. The book and the individual case studies acknowledge the merits of NCLB while exposing several significant flaws and unintended harmful consequences of the act particularly its incentives for states to lower their standards in order to meet annual yearly progress targets and its threat to withdraw federal funds from districts with the highest percentage of disadvantaged students. The audience for this study includes local state and federal education policyrnakers; administrators and instructors in schools of education and other teaching programs educators; and the general public.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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