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Allergy and Candida Cooking: Understanding and Implementing Plans for Healing (Paperback)

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Product Name
Allergy and Candida Cooking: Understanding and Implementing Plans for Healing (Paperback)
Product Description

Allergy and Candida Cooking: Understanding and Implementing Plans for Healing (revised Third Edition) is a comprehensive user-friendly cookbook and healing guide for those with Candida-Related Complex and food allergies. This book is unique in providing a Healing Action Plan for both yeast overgrowth and food allergies. The interplay between the two health challenges is clearly defined and addressed. A 4-Stage Candida-Control Food Plan and a 4-Day Rotational Food Plan are included with ample assistance for personalizing the plans to meet your needs. Over 375 recipes and menus support the food plans and include helpful hints for preparing appetizing meals and snacks that are free of common allergens and free of foods that contribute to yeast overgrowth.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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