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StingRay TE-3 Torque Equalizers for Classic JR and Classic SR Hydrofoils - Gray

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Product Name
StingRay TE-3 Torque Equalizers for Classic JR and Classic SR Hydrofoils - Gray
Product Description

StingRay designed its Torque Equalizers to be mounted on the underneath side of the Classic JR and Classic SR Hydrofoil models. They were engineered to be a more effective and efficient means of reducing propeller-induced steering torque when compared to traditional torque tabs. StingRay s Torque Equalizers achieve superior torque reduction because they are mounted to the left and the right of the engine s gear case whereas traditional torque tabs are mounted in the center of the gear case. This outward mounting allows StingRay s Torque Equalizers to utilize their increased surface area to re-direct more water as they are not shielded by the engine s gear case.

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Last updated
December 2, 2024

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