Product info
Green Book, a powerful drama from Universal Studios, tells the true story of Frank Anthony "Tony Lip" Vallelonga, played by Viggo Mortensen. Set in 1962, Tony, a club bouncer from the Bronx, finds himself out of work and takes a job as a chauffeur for the renowned African-American classical and jazz pianist Don Shirley, portrayed by Mahershala Ali. The film follows their journey through the Deep South during a time of deep-seated racism and segregation. As they travel from city to city for Don's concert tour, they encounter the harsh realities of Jim Crow laws.
Despite their different backgrounds, a remarkable friendship blossoms between Tony and Don. Their bond grows as they face the challenges of the times together, highlighting themes of love, acceptance, and understanding. The film also features Linda Cardellini, Dimiter D. Marinov, and Mike Hatton in supporting roles. Spanning 130 minutes, Green Book offers a thought-provoking look at the power of connection amidst adversity. Enjoy the film in stunning widescreen format with an English soundtrack, making it an essential addition to any movie collection.
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