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Children and Bullying (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Children and Bullying (Hardcover)
Product Description

Scarcely a day goes by without reports of school bullying or recommendations for quick fixes to the problem. Parents and educators are often left trying to solve a difficult issue without sufficient evidence to support suggested remedies. Children and Bullying is a vital resource in the quest to create safe learning environments. Drawing on a wealth of research Ken Rigby provides clear explanations and effective strategies for combating bullying among children and preventing children from becoming involved in bullying situations. Offers a collaborative approach to the school-based bullying problem Emphasizes the crucial role student bystanders can play in countering bullying and how to promote positive bystander behaviors Examines contentious research such as the role genetics or parenting in early childhood may play in creating bullies and victims Answers to FAQs by parents in the final chapter are often controversial but intended to stimulate thought

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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