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From Siberia to America : A Story of Survival and Success (Paperback)

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Product Name
From Siberia to America : A Story of Survival and Success (Paperback)
Product Description

During World War II many Polish Jews were forcibly deported from Russian-occupied eastern Poland to Siberia where they were subjected to appalling suffering and oppression under the Communist regime. From Siberia to America is a memoir of one man who survived a childhood in those Siberian work camps. After the war he returned to Poland and found that his homeland under Communist rule had become a land of little opportunity. So he moved first to England and then to the United States where he became a highly successful entrepreneur and businessman. This engrossing autobiography traces Frusztajer s life from his traumatic childhood to his emigration to freedom to his involvement in the early development of the computer industry in England and eventual career as an entrepreneur in the U.S. Frusztajer reveals how qualities he nurtured in the Soviet work camps--persistence self-confidence and the ability to cooperate with others--informed his later business ventures. Boruch B. Frusztajer s remarkable life story is one of meaning and accomplishment in the face of tremendous obstacles.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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