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Evan-Moor Science Lessons and Investigations Grade 1 Teacher Resource

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Product Name
Evan-Moor Science Lessons and Investigations Grade 1 Teacher Resource
Product Description

Science Lessons and Investigations presents science learning through in-depth investigation and observation supporting Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in life earth and physical science. Each comprehensive unit includes a hands-on engagement activity to allow students to explore and investigate science concepts. The 14 science units build upon prior knowledge and experience and allow students to apply their understanding in a variety of ways. Each unit guides students through exploring the science concept and includes hands-on cross-curricular activities to extend learning. This robust teaching resource gives you everything you need including: Teacher support pages and an answer key Unit concept page to guide discussion Vocabulary/Words to know Reading selections with real-life visual examples Comprehension and vocabulary activities I wonder and/or research and write writing prompts Hands-on science investigation that may include science experiments STEM challenges observations art projects and other creative cross-curricular activities Topics covered in Science Lessons and Investigations grade 1 include: Life Science How Do Animals Use Their Body Parts? What Parts Do Plants Have and What Do They Do? How Do Body Parts Help Animals Grow and Survive? Do Animals Have Babies? Do Plants Have Babies? Are Young Animals and Plants Exactly Like Their Parents? Do Animals from the Same Species Always Look the Same? Do All Roses Look the Same? Earth Science Can We Predict Patterns for the Sun Moon and Stars? Can We Predict the Pattern of the Seasons? Physical Science What Happens When Materials Vibrate? What Happens When There Is No Light? Where Do Shadows Come From? How Do We Communicate Over Long Distances? This resource contains teacher support pages reproducible student pages and an answer key. This is a reproducible resource (photocopying of lessons is permitted) for single classroom or individual home use only. About Evan-Moor Educational Publishers Igniting young minds to help every child learn and succeed! Evan-Moor creates engaging and meaningful learning resources for children in grades PreK - 8. Trusted by parents and teachers for over 45 years Evan-Moor s award-winning resources are thoughtfully developed to nurture children s hearts and minds to help them reach their full potential.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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