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Technology The Computer Music Tutorial (Paperback)

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Product Name
Technology The Computer Music Tutorial (Paperback)
Product Description

A comprehensive text and reference that covers all aspects of computer music including digital audio synthesis techniques signal processing musical input devices performance software editing systems algorithmic composition MIDI synthesizer architecture system interconnection and psychoacoustics. The Computer Music Tutorial is a comprehensive text and reference that covers all aspects of computer music including digital audio synthesis techniques signal processing musical input devices performance software editing systems algorithmic composition MIDI synthesizer architecture system interconnection and psychoacoustics. A special effort has been made to impart an appreciation for the rich history behind current activities in the field. Profusely illustrated and exhaustively referenced and cross-referenced The Computer Music Tutorial provides a step-by-step introduction to the entire field of computer music techniques. Written for nontechnical as well as technical readers it uses hundreds of charts diagrams screen images and photographs as well as clear explanations to present basic concepts and terms. Mathematical notation and program code examples are used only when absolutely necessary. Explanations are not tied to any specific software or hardware. The material in this book was compiled and refined over a period of several years of teaching in classes at Harvard University Oberlin Conservatory the University of Naples IRCAM Les Ateliers UPIC and in seminars and workshops in North America Europe and Asia.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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