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The Dangerous Book for Dogs : A Parody by Rex and Sparky (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The Dangerous Book for Dogs : A Parody by Rex and Sparky (Hardcover)
Product Description

A laugh-out-loud funny illustrated guide for--and by--dogs this book teaches canines how to do the very activities that human society says are wrong. A LAUGH-OUT-LOUD PARODY: AN lLLUSTRATED GUIDE FOR--AND BY--DOGS UNLOCKING THE MYSTERIES OF DOGHOOD AND TEACHING THEM HOW TO DO THE VERY ACTIVITIES THAT HUMAN SOCIETY SAYS ARE WRONG. The Dangerous Book for Dogs asks a simple question: isn t there more to being a dog than wearing a mini cashmere sweater and riding around in a $400 evening clutch? What about the simple pleasures of life -- feeling the wind in your fur digging up the grass beneath your paws smelling another dog s butt? Isn t that part of the great joy of being a dog? Written (with help) by dogs and for dogs The Dangerous Book For Dogs provides insight on everything from the tastiest styles of shoes to chew to the proper method for terrorizing squirrels. It also contains portraits of noble dogs throughout history the mysteries of cats and humans and everything else your dog ever wanted to know but was afraid to ask-like how to make toys out of human s household items or how to escape from a humiliating reindeer costume. Generously illustrated with drawings by cartoonist Emily Flake this hilarious parody is for good dogs bad dogs and the millions of people who love them. Rex and Sparky wrote this parody without authorization (because they are dogs and they do what they want.)

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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