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Judy (DVD) Lions Gate Drama

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Product Name
Judy (DVD) Lions Gate Drama
Product Description

Winter 1968 and showbiz legend Judy Garland arrives in Swinging London to perform a five-week sold-out run at The Talk of the Town. It is 30 years since she shot to global stardom in The Wizard of Oz but if her voice has weakened its dramatic intensity has only grown. As she prepares for the show battles with management charms musicians and reminisces with friends and adoring fans her wit and warmth shine through. Even her dreams of love seem undimmed as she embarks on a whirlwind romance with Mickey Deans her soon-to-be fifth husband. Featuring some of her best-known songs the film celebrates the voice the capacity for love and the sheer pizzazz of the world s greatest entertainer .

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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