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CISM International Centre for Mechanical Multiphase Reacting Flows: Modelling and Simulation Book 492 (Paperback)

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Product Name
CISM International Centre for Mechanical Multiphase Reacting Flows: Modelling and Simulation Book 492 (Paperback)
Product Description

This book entitled Multiphase reacting flows: modelling and simulation contains the lecture notes of the CISM (International Centre for Mechanical Sciences) course held in Udine Italy on July 3-7 2006 and it describes various modelling approaches for dealing with polydisperse multiphase reacting flows. A multiphase reacting system is characterized by the presence of multiple phases and in this book we focus on disperse multiphase systems where one phase can be considered as a continuum whereas the additional phases are dispersed in the continuous one. In other words in this book we deal with multiphase systems constituted by particles droplets or bubbles (i.e. solid particles suspended in a continuous liquid phase liquid droplets in a gaseous phase or gas bubbles in liquid.) The other important characteristic elements of the systems discussed in this book are the presence of one or more chemical reactions and the turbulent nature of the flow. The chemical reactions usually involve all the phases present in the system and might be responsible for the formation or disappearance of the disperse and/or continuous phases. The evolution of the different phases is not only governed by chemical reactions but also by other fluid-dynamical interactions between the continuous and the disperse phases and by interactions among elements of the disperse phases such as coalescence aggregation agglomeration and break-up.

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