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Victorio Acosta Velasco: An American Life (Paperback)

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Product Name
Victorio Acosta Velasco: An American Life (Paperback)
Product Description

This work is a biography of Victorio Acosta Velasco a Filipino-born journalist and labor leader who immigrated to the United States in 1924. At this time thousands of young Filipinos were coming to America to further their education find opportunity and realize the idealism the U.S. was rumored to offer. Upon arriving in Seattle however Velasco learned that the American Dream hardly applied to dark-skinned immigrants. Devalued by the workforce and spurned by white women the disillusioned Velasco became involved in Filipino activities but never conceded his place in American society. Amongst other achievements he published poetry in nearly a dozen mainstream anthologies on American literature. Ultimately by the end of the Second World War Velasco had learned to approach his Caucasian relationships with more circumspection and also began to experience intra-ethnic conflicts with other Filipinos. This book seeks to counter the negative one-dimensional portraits of Asian men in popular media and informs its readers of an authentic and challenging Filipino-American experience.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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