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The Strassmanns (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The Strassmanns (Hardcover)
Product Description

Across six generations and two hundred years this book tells the story of a German- Jewish family who emigrated from Rawicz Poland first to Prussian Berlin and finally to America. In Berlin they found success in politics medical science theatre and aviation and considered themselves German patriots. With the catastrophe of the First World War and its aftermath they suffered rejection threats and persecution as their fellow citizens became unhinged by Nazism forcing Strassmanns into exile abroad where they again made their mark and rebuilt successful careers. This book is populated by extraordinary characters such as Wolfgang the convicted revolutionary of 1848 who nevertheless led urban reform; by Ernst who directed the only liberal anti-Nazi resistance movement; and by Antonie a celebrated actress and transatlantic sports pilot. Strassmann highlights both the large-scale and the very personal dramas of this period in world history. The book is enhanced by many photographs offering a fascinating document of the fate of a remarkable family.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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