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The Adventure: The Quest for my Romanian Babies (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Adventure: The Quest for my Romanian Babies (Paperback)
Product Description

Born from Professor George C. Klein s adoption of two Romanian babies in 1990 this work is a personal and analytical autobiography. Compiling data from the 1989 Romanian revolution the oppression that led to the overthrow of Communism and his personal experiences in Romania The Adventure is primarily a description of the torturous process he and his wife endured in order to adopt two babies from a Romanian orphanage. It is also an examination of Romanian society from an institutional national and global perspective. The author analyzes individual issues such as forced pregnancies neglect in orphanages and economic deprivation. Professor Klein examines how the Romanian Communist Party held power in that era and explores the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe. His adept study discusses the various socio-economic and political factors that led to the collapse of Communism and ultimately to the successful adoption of his Romanian children.

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March 4, 2025

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