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Almanac of State Legislatures: Almanac of State Legislative Elections (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Almanac of State Legislatures: Almanac of State Legislative Elections (Hardcover)
Product Description

The Almanac of State Legislative Elections Third Edition combines detailed state-by-state district-by-district election results for the nation s 6 744 state legislative districts with a wide range of socioeconomic data for each district to present a comprehensive portrait of voting and demographic trends across the nation. This new edition features data from 2000 through 2006 covering the most recent trends and updates to district lines. It includes extensive state-by-state analyses and 290 maps of the district boundaries. Inside researchers will find: An introductory overview of the major trends in all 50 states and their legislative districts In-depth data from each state showing the voting results and demographic changes in each of the districts from 2000 through 2006 Concise and informative essays on each state that offer context to the data presented and provide valuable historical perspective and analyze current major electoral and demographic changes Over 290 color maps showing district boundaries for state House and Senate districts plus detail maps on urban areas and population that show how much each district has gained or lost in population during the period Statistical tables for each state showing district-by-district population changes along with up-to-date (2006) demographic data measuring average household income degree of higher education percent above/below the poverty line and ethnic/racial mix This unique and valuable work is the only resource to bring together district maps elections results and demographics for all 50 states in one source.

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March 4, 2025

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