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Dress Sense: Emotional and Sensory Experiences of the Body and Clothes (Paperback)

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Product Name
Dress Sense: Emotional and Sensory Experiences of the Body and Clothes (Paperback)
Product Description

Dress Sense explores the importance of the senses and emotions in the way people dress and how they attach value and significance to clothing. Inspired by the work of Joanne B. Eicher contributors offer different multi-disciplinary perspectives on this key and unexplored topic in dress and sensory anthropology. The essays present historical contemporary and global views from British imperial dress in India to revolutionary Socialist dress. Issues of body and identity are brought to the fore in the sexual power of Ghanian women s waistbeads the way cross-dressers feel about their clothing and how the latest three-dimensional body-scanning technology affects people s perception of themselves and their bodies. For students and researchers of dress and anthropology Dress Sense will be invaluable in understanding the cross-cultural emotional and sensual experience of dress and clothing.

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March 7, 2025

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