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Exploring C for Microcontrollers: A Hands on Approach (Hardcover)

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Exploring C for Microcontrollers: A Hands on Approach (Hardcover)
Product Description

Traditional books on embedded systems review the routine architectural features of 8051 description of registers ports interrupts etc. This book skips all such routine things. Here the focus is on programming microcontrollers specifically MCS-51 family in C using Keil IDE. The book presents seventeen live case studies apart from the many basic programs organized around every on-chip resource: port time/counter interrupt serial I/O and so on. Rather than introducing underpinning theory or reproducing lengthy data sheets this learning-through-doing approach appeals to busy electronics designers. Mastering the basic modules and hands-on work with the projects enables readers to grasp the basic building blocks for most 8051 programs. Whether you are a student using the MCS-51 family of microcontrollers for project work or an embedded systems programmer this book will kick-start your practical understanding of the most popular microcontroller. This book bridges the gap between microcontroller hardware experts and C programmers.

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March 4, 2025

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