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The Art of South Florida Gardening : A Unique Guide to Planning Planting and Making Your Subtropical Garden Grow (Edition 2) (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Art of South Florida Gardening : A Unique Guide to Planning Planting and Making Your Subtropical Garden Grow (Edition 2) (Paperback)
Product Description

Gardeners from Key West to Lake Okeechobee and on up the coasts know that gardening advice for the rest of the country just doesn t apply here. South Florida is unique and The Art of South Florida Gardening is uniquely intended for South Florida gardeners who have depended on the solid advice in this book since the first edition came out more than a decade ago. Now it has been updated with more helpful facts tips and advice for the conservation-conscious gardener of the 21st century while maintaining the practical easygoing attitude South Florida gardeners have found so comforting over the years. This book still makes gardening in South Florida inviting and fun whether you are an old hand or have just moved here and even if you have never before considered getting your hands dirty. Harold s warm wise voice is always encouraging and enthusiastic and Coralee s lively engaging prose will have you reading as much for pleasure as for its valuable information.

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March 4, 2025

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