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Where Have All The Fascists Gone? (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Where Have All The Fascists Gone? (Hardcover)
Product Description

The Intellectual European New Right (ENR) also known as the nouvelle droite is a cultural school of thought with origins in the revolutionary Right and neo-fascist milieux. Born in France in 1968 it situated itself in a Gramscian mould exclusively on the cultural terrain of political contestation in order to challenge the apparent ideological hegemony of dominant liberal and leftist elites. It also sought to escape the ghetto status of a revolutionary Right milieu wedded to violent extra-parliamentary politics and battered by the legacies of Fascism and Nazism. This study traces the cultural philosophical political and historical trajectories of the French nouvelle droite in particular and the ENR in general. It examines the ENR worldview as an ambiguous synthesis of the ideals of the revolutionary Right and New Left. ENR themes related to the loss of cultural identity and immigration have appealed to anti-immigrant political parties throughout Europe. In a post 9/11 climate as well as an age of rising economic globalization and cultural homogenization its anti-capitalist ideas embedded within the framework of cultural preservation might make further political inroads into the Europe of the future.

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March 4, 2025

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