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Classics West Collection: Three Against the Wilderness (Paperback)

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Product Name
Classics West Collection: Three Against the Wilderness (Paperback)
Product Description

Timeless tales about wilderness living. Eric Collier s riveting recollections about the 26 years that he his wife Lillian and son Veasy spent homesteading in the isolated Chilcotin wilderness made for an international bestseller and one of the most famous books ever written about British Columbia. In the early 1930s Collier and his family moved to Meldrum Creek where the couple built their own log house and learned to live off the land. Fulfilling a promise to Lillian s grandmother to bring the beavers back to the area she knew as a child before the White man came Collier was instrumental in the species survival. Collier s timeless tales about roughing it in the bush and the resourcefulness inspired by this lifestyle s challenges will engage readers young and old.

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Last updated
February 1, 2025

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