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A Guide to Psychological Debriefing (Paperback)

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A Guide to Psychological Debriefing (Paperback)
Product Description

In its essence this is a practical book that focuses on aiding recovery from trauma over a carefully structured timeframe. Amongst other things it provides an introduction to the concept of psychological debriefing and some of the effects of trauma including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This book will appeal to a broad audience because it is easily accessible not only to those professionals working with clients suffering from PTSD but also to health practitioners psychologists social workers and counsellors as well as students. - Well-Being David Kinchin pays special attention to setting up optimal conditions to facilitate emotional decompression. He takes into account that trauma reactions primarily concerned with survival are whole-system reactions affecting both the body and mind. He also reminds us that the initial impact of the trauma is on physical structures in the brain disrupting memory-processing capacity which is designed to create space and time to heal. We should all pay a great deal of attention to what he says. - Professor Gordon Turnbull Consultant Psychiatrist University of Chester Capio Nightingale Hospital London and Ridgeway Hospital Swindon UK Traumatic events strike unexpectedly and turn everyday experiences upside down. Frequently people suffering such trauma cannot shake the experience and develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Psychological debriefing (PD) is a widely practised process used as an intervention for treating people who have been exposed to trauma. It allows people who have been exposed to trauma to re-examine the traumatic event in a safe and controlled environment and reduces the risks of developing PTSD. This book is a practical introduction to PTSD and psychological debriefing and offers an enhanced model of PD which the author terms `Emotional Decompression . Structured like a deep-sea dive which has to include carefully planned safety stops on the way back to the surface to avoid getting `the bends this model provides time frames for how long to spend at various stages of the PD process and when to stop for discussions and explanations. The focus is on aiding recovery from this `invisible injury over carefully structured time. The book presents a range of recovery models from the `simple models developed by Williams and Horowitz to the more complex `Snakes and Ladders model developed by the author. Appendices include an essay by one of the world s leading exponents of psychological debriefing Atle Dyregrov as well as case studies of debriefs completed by the author including that of a survivor of the July 7th bombings in London. A Guide to Psychological Debriefing is an essential book for health practitioners counsellors psychologists and professionals working with clients suffering from PTSD as well as students.

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March 4, 2025

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