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Mathematical and Analytical Techniques with Applications to: Mechanical Systems Classical Models: Volume 1: Particle Mechanics (Hardcover)

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Mathematical and Analytical Techniques with Applications to: Mechanical Systems Classical Models: Volume 1: Particle Mechanics (Hardcover)
Product Description

In the study of a science of nature mathematics plays an important role. Mechanics is the first science of nature which was expressed in terms of mathematics by considering various mathematical models associated to phenomena of the surrounding nature. Thus its development was influenced by the use of a strong mathematical tool; on the other hand we must observe that mechanics also influenced the introduction and the development of many mathematical notions. In this respect the guideline of the present book is precisely the mathematical model of mechanics. A special accent is put on the solving methodology as well as on the mathematical tools used; vectors tensors and notions of field theory. Continuous and discontinuous phenomena various mechanical magnitudes are presented in a unitary form by means of the theory of distributions. Some appendices give the book an autonomy with respect to other works special previous mathematical knowledge being not necessary. Some applications connected to important phenomena of nature are presented and this also gives one the possibility to solve problems of interest from the technical engineering point of view.

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March 4, 2025

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