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Extreme Cop: Chicago Pd (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Extreme Cop: Chicago Pd (Hardcover)
Product Description

EXTREME COP: CHICAGO PD is the true story of JERRY ARDOLINO the wildest most violent cop in the history of the Chicago Police Department and that would mean: in the history of the world. Jerry Ardolino is the book s author and it is the first true full-length on-going story about the Chicago Police written by an insider. It has never been done before. Jerry Ardolino was a star-carrying member of that horde of hard-edged cops; the largest and deadliest gang in Chicago or anyplace else. The gang in midnight-blue leather police jackets who had the tools and the talent that enabled them to become known throughout the world as the most violent corrupt out-of-control and; toughest police force ever to stalk the streets. And Jerry was to become known in that department from patrol levels all the way to the High Command as being: Extreme. There have been many Chicago cops who have committed violent acts. Some have wounded or killed criminals in questionable shootings. Some have been drug dealers and pimps and many were burglars. But none of them ran even close to Jerry in all-around violent acts dangerous car chases on a regular basis (some at 130 in heavy traffic) maniacal behavior during arrests the torturing of criminals the rule violations-which nobody had the nerve to commit-and unprecedented civil rights violations all on an almost daily basis. The others committed one or two big incidents; got punished fired wound up in prison or they behaved until retirement. Jerry chose not behave. He chose to light all the fuses and run through the explosions and then keep on going. His spree of violence and wired behavior; the enjoyment of engaging in fast outlaw acts almost every hour of every tour of duty lasted nearly five years. It had never happened before and could never happen again. Nowadays just one day of doing some of the things he did or even one act would land a cop in jail. How did he do it and get away with it all? It was just something that was supposed to be. He was a force of nature with a thirst for danger and did whatever he felt like doing immediately without ever looking back and in true Chicago Police style; always aggressively advancing. The language is very strong; his erotic and sexual encounters with hot beautiful willing women are meltdown-level ; his partners street-sex encounters with female beauties are raw and real; and the violence is as graphic as it gets in print. However; this is not a tell all complaint book. On the contrary EXTREME COP: CHICAGO PD glorifies the violent and corrupt ways of the Chicago Police but mainly you experience living his ways of fast violence; fast driving; the heavy partying; the breaking open of constitutional law to suit each case and the breaking of criminals skulls and body parts. Jerry wrote most of EXTREME COP: CHICAGO PD in 1999 and then completed it on through the millennium. There have been some small diary-type reports in the past and even though his project was kept as confidential as possible during the production stages word got out in literary circles and a small recent work was attempted by others but those contain nothing that one can t glean from the major newspapers and of course don t contain Jerry Ardolino s story. But in any case nobody has ever given you the real inside stories of the Chicago Police. He takes you inside the department. You get inside his mind and inside the minds of other violent and colorful cops he worked with; inside the violent acts the bloody nights the massive and lightning-fast destruction of property and people that only Chicago Police are capable of. You feel the wet heat of an erotic female cop s sexual acts; gain an insight into the alleged mob-connected hit man cops ways; you re in on the heavy inside deals within the department and Jerry s five-year wild ride-everything. You ll know what it s like t

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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