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Inclusive Education: Cross Cultural Perspectives: Impossible Bodies Impossible Selves: Exclusions and Student Subjectivities (Paperback)

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Inclusive Education: Cross Cultural Perspectives: Impossible Bodies Impossible Selves: Exclusions and Student Subjectivities (Paperback)
Product Description

Looking across national contexts and drawing on ethnographic studies of schools in the UK and Australia the book explores the implications of the contemporary education policy context and processes and practices inside schools for students as learners and for educational inequalities. The book uses tools offered by post-structural theory to read ethnographic data and show how the discourses that circulate inside schools at once mobilise and elide gender sexuality social class ability disability race ethnicity religious and cultural belongings at the same time as they open up and close down who students can be as learners. In demonstrating these processes the book offers new insights into how these truths about students and learners are created and how they come to be bound so tightly to the educational inclusions privileges and successes that some students enjoy and the exclusions disadvantages and failures that other students face.

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March 4, 2025

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