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Behaviour Management: A Whole-School Approach (Paperback)

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Product Name
Behaviour Management: A Whole-School Approach (Paperback)
Product Description

Praise for the First Edition: Bill Rogers has an entertaining style and communicates his ideas in a way that will be easily accessible to teachers. --Behaviour UK This is an extremely readable book on children′s behavior and the management of behavior in a classroom and school context. Provides a useful guide to developing a whole-school approach to positive behavior. --Amazon Review In this revised and updated edition of the bestseller the author draws on his extensive experience as an educational consultant and trainer to help teachers and managers develop a whole-school strategy for dealing with student behavior. In a distinctive accessible and entertaining style the book offers practical suggestions to support teachers as they face the pressures of accountability assessment and rising concerns about student behavior. This resource covers: Positive discipline and the importance of consistency Specific skills in the language of discipline both verbal and non-verbal Techniques for managing bullying aggression rudeness and violence Methods to use with behaviorally disordered students The 4Rs--rights rules responsibilities and routines Behavioral consequences including ′time-out′ Behavior agreements or ′contracts′ Playground management Setting up a behavior management plan and expressing it in policy This book helps strengthen a school′s capacity to work as a cohesive cooperative unit linked with parents and the community to manage behavior successfully.

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March 4, 2025

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