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100 Years Of Disney - The Parks The Movies The Magic: Walt Disney Snow White Frozen Cinderella Moana Mickey Mouse Little Mermaid Toy Story Lion King Ratatouille Princess Untold Stories!

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100 Years Of Disney - The Parks The Movies The Magic: Walt Disney Snow White Frozen Cinderella Moana Mickey Mouse Little Mermaid Toy Story Lion King Ratatouille Princess Untold Stories!
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In 1923 Disney studios was founded in Los Angeles with $15 000 and today the company generates more than $2 billion a year by entertaining and thrilling people around the world. From the origins of Walt Disney to his first animated films like Snow White and Cinderella that changed Hollywood forever to all the beloved characters and the theme parks this magazine pays tribute to Disney’s most magical moments. It’s also a love letter to Disney and Walt’s motto: Dream Believe Dare Do.

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Last updated
September 14, 2024

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