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How to Negotiate Anything with Anyone Anywhere Around the World (Paperback)

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How to Negotiate Anything with Anyone Anywhere Around the World (Paperback)
Product Description

This long-trusted guide provides you with the savvy knowledge and skills you need to negotiate with ease no matter where you are or who you are talking with. The ups and downs of negotiating can be challenging enough at home. Then when people put themselves in another country--where the customs and conventions are often radically different--they ve got a recipe for awkwardness and confusion at best disappointment and disaster at worst. How to Negotiate Anything with Anyone Anywhere Around the World provides expert advice on: business practices transactions and attitudes throughout the world. Now expanded to include 63 countries the book reflects changes in the international scene as well as current topics like foreign outsourcing and multicultural work teams that increasingly characterize present-day work relationships. Organized in an easy-to-access quick-reference format this bestselling guide is a passport to worldwide negotiation skills--and greater business success.

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March 4, 2025

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