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Playful Math Singles 312 Things To Do with a Math Journal: Games Number Play Writing Activities Problem Solving and Creative Math for All (Paperback)

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Product Name
Playful Math Singles 312 Things To Do with a Math Journal: Games Number Play Writing Activities Problem Solving and Creative Math for All (Paperback)
Product Description

Are you looking for new ways to help your children learn math? 312 Things To Do with a Math Journal includes number play prompts games math art story problems mini-essays geometry investigations brainteasers number patterns research projects and much more. In a math journal children explore their own ideas about numbers shapes and patterns through drawing or writing in response to a question. Journaling teaches them to see with mathematical eyes. As they write students come to realize that learning is more than memorizing facts and procedures and they develop a richer mathematical mindset. They begin to see connections and make sense of math concepts. They grow confident in their ability to think through new ideas. All they need is a piece of paper a pencil and a good prompt to launch their mathematical journey. These activities work at any grade level and most can be enjoyed more than once. It doesn t matter whether your students are homeschooled or in a classroom distance-learning or in person. Everyone can enjoy the experience of playing around with math. Early Reviews from My Journaling Beta-Testers: We really enjoyed these! I remember doing pages and pages of dull equations with no creativity or puzzle-thinking but now as a homeschool mom I m actually enjoying math for the first time! My daughter s math skills have skyrocketed and she always asks to start homeschool with math. Thank you for a great intro to Playful Math! All of the kids were excited about their journals. My oldest kept going without prompting and did several more pages on his own. We had a lot of fun doing your math prompts. We had never done any math journaling before but we will certainly integrate this into our weekly routine from now on. Pick up a copy of 312 Things To Do with a Math Journal and begin your family s math journaling adventure today.

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March 4, 2025

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