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Driven to Murder 9780786018192

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Product Name
Driven to Murder 9780786018192
Product Description

TV journalist Sam Donaldson hired Paul Posey as the new manager for his sprawling New Mexico ranch. Paul and his family settled into their new life. Then in July 2004 Donaldson was stunned to discover that his ranch had become a blood-soaked crime scene. The bullet-ripped bodies of Paul his wife and stepdaughter were found buried in a pile of manure. Paul s fourteen-year-old son Cody was soon in custody. But the shocking revelations had only just begun. . . The Poseys appeared to be like any other ordinary American family. But did their carefully constructed veneer hide a dysfunctional family with dark secrets? Cody claimed he had suffered years of relentless physical and psychological abuse at the hands of his father step-mother and even his step-sister. Witnesses at the trial included Sam Donaldson as well as neighbours who supported Cody s claims and others who disputed them. Was Cody a cold-blooded killer - or the victim of post-traumatic shock syndrome? Now a judge and jury had to separate the lies from the truth - and decide a teenager s fate. ISBN: 9780786018192 ISBN10: 0786018194 Contributors: Scott Robert

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Last updated
February 28, 2025

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