Product info
The Batman is a gripping reimagining of the iconic Dark Knight story, brought to life by director Matt Reeves. This film dives deep into the psyche of Bruce Wayne, portrayed by Robert Pattinson, as he embraces his role as a costumed vigilante. Early in his journey, he faces a series of brutal murders targeting high-ranking officials in Gotham City. The threat comes from the enigmatic Riddler, played by Paul Dano, whose chilling methods force Batman into a dark underworld of corruption and crime.
As the stakes rise, Batman must navigate a twisted web of deceit that includes mob violence and systemic dysfunction embedded within the city. With a stellar cast featuring Jeffrey Wright, Andy Serkis, John Turturro, Zoe Kravitz, and Colin Farrell, this film explores themes of justice, revenge, and the thin line between heroism and villainy. Spanning 176 minutes, The Batman immerses viewers in a visually rich and sound-filled experience that highlights the depth of Gotham's bleak reality.
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