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Every Grain of Sand (Paperback)

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Product Name
Every Grain of Sand (Paperback)
Product Description

2020 Eric Hoffer Grand Prize ShortList Finalist Montaigne Medal Finalist Horizon Award Finalist Finalist LGBTQ Non-Fiction 2020 International Book Awards Maxy Award Non-Fiction Finalist Every Grain of Sand is a heartbreaking memoir that I could not put down a story of pain of the search for one s place in the world and of the transformative power of forgiveness. David Wichman has lived a thousand lives-some agonizing some sublime-and we re lucky he survived them all with his talent and compassion intact. -Dave Holmes writer producer and television personality; editor-at-large Esquire; author of Party of One: A Memoir in 21 Songs Sexual healer and entrepreneur David P. Wichman has lived through it all: childhood abuse foster care homelessness survival sex work and the blackest pits of drug and alcohol addiction. Despite the darkness he found a profound sense of purpose as a male escort but not the type of provider often seen in the news. His approach to sex work transcended common shame-based belief systems as he brought compassionate intimacy to marginalized men including the elderly disabled and traumatized illustrating a universal need for true connection. After white-collar crime landed him in jail David resolved to finally conquer the sense of brokenness that had been driving him to self-destruction throughout his life. In his moving memoir he recounts how his recovery and spiritual journey have revealed to him his inherent wholeness and worth a message of love and belonging that he now carries to others. Every Grain of Sand is a celebration of restoration to a life of joy gratitude and wonder.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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