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HART 8-inch Multifunction Linesman Pliers with Comfort Grips Chrome Vanadium

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Product Name
HART 8-inch Multifunction Linesman Pliers with Comfort Grips Chrome Vanadium
Product Description

Any tool that can replace multiple tools in your bag is a winner. The HART 8” Multi-Function Linesman Pliers offers 6 functions in 1. This tool reams conduit cuts wire strips 10-18 AWG wire shears 6-32 and 8-32 bolts crimps and of course works as as standard pair of pliers. The benefits to you are a lighter load more space in the tool bag and the ability to work faster without switching between a bunch of tools. Constructed from Chrome Vanadium Steel (CrV) this pair of pliers is highly durable and resistant to corrosion. It also features an ergonomic design with non-slip comfort grip handles. This product will save your tool belt and bag a lot of weight and space not to mention the cost of several individual tools. Includes HART’s limited lifetime warranty.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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