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Rite Farm Products 100W Black Ceramic Heat Emitter Brooder Infrared Lamp Bulb

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Product Name
Rite Farm Products 100W Black Ceramic Heat Emitter Brooder Infrared Lamp Bulb
Product Description

Why you should choose ceramic infrared heater for your brooder coop pet house reptile or amphibian pets. The reasons are: No Light emitted: Your pets will get used to large light emission from light bulb heater especially when they need heat in cold winters. Some pets can hardly control themselves from being a long distance away from the light source. While such an adaption could eventually damage their eye vision irreversibly. terrariums: Waterproof design of ceramic heater allows them to work effectively in humid environments without burning out. This heater will not break even if water was tossed at it after 30 minutes of power on so you do not need to worry if your pets may splash water onto it or be concerned of its weather tolerance. It will work in an open-air garden room or coop safely for many years. Low temperature rising: Ceramic heater makes use of infrared emission to transmit heat energy to your pets. Ceramic will not bring lots of heat to just one area. It will not generate a large hot zone near ceramic heater but will spread throughout your pet s area so they can get level heat thru infrared radiation. This is the most safe and effective way to bring heat energy to your pets.

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Last updated
February 11, 2025

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