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For Dummies Circuitbuilding Do-It-Yourself for Dummies (Paperback)

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For Dummies Circuitbuilding Do-It-Yourself for Dummies (Paperback)
Product Description

DO-IT-YOURSELF Here s the fun and easy way to start building circuits for your projects Have you ever wanted to build your own electronic device? Put together a thermostat or an in-line fuse or repair a microphone cable? This is the book for you! Inside you ll find the tools and techniques you need to build circuits with illustrated step-by-step directions to help accomplish tasks and complete projects. As you accomplish the tasks throughout the book you ll construct many projects while learning the key circuitbuilding principles and techniques. Find out about measuring and testing maintenance and troubleshooting cables connectors how to test your stuff and more. Stuff You Need to Know * The tools you need and how to use them * How to make sense of schematics and printed circuit boards * Basic techniques for creating any circuit * How to make and repair cables and connectors * Testing and maintenance procedures

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March 4, 2025

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