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The War on Psychotherapy (Paperback)

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Product Name
The War on Psychotherapy (Paperback)
Product Description

What Happens When a Sexual Culture War is Fought on the Mental Health Battlefield? This year marks the 50th anniversary of the 1969 riots at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village New York-the spark that lit the fire of the modern gay rights movement in America. What has resulted in the following five decades is the takeover of a new ideology of sex and gender with devastating effects on all sectors of our society. Consequently we are now embroiled in a war of ethics and morality over sexuality and gender and the battle is being waged in our courts our college campuses and our counseling offices. Even our churches and synagogues are in the thick of this conflict. Tragically our precious children have become the innocent casualties in this war. Lesbian gay bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activists have successfully convinced over a dozen states and over 45 cities to ban so-called conversion therapy for minors while campaigns to restrict licensed psychotherapy for adults are mounting in liberal areas like California and New York City. Abroad several countries have banned the practice altogether with the United Kingdom currently debating the question: Should it be illegal for a licensed mental health professional to help patients voluntarily alter their sexual orientation or gender identity? Should clinicians even be able to talk with clients who are distressed over unwanted attractions sexual behaviors or gender expressions and seek options for change? Will those who came out of the closet succeed in putting dissenters and strugglers in the closet? How far will this movement go in terms of defining client autonomy self-determination and freedom of choice? To what extent will it rewrite our laws? To what degree will it silence those who refuse to fall in line with its radical goals? Who will stand up and put a stop to this madness? In The War on Psychotherapy licensed psychotherapist Christopher Doyle provides a map of this unprecedented assault on personal freedom and religious liberty while offering meaningful solutions on how licensed clinicians informed legislators and responsible citizens can work together to stop fraudulent LGBT activism end truly harmful counseling practices and ensure safe and effective assistance for those who are struggling and sincerely seeking help for sexual and gender identity conflicts.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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