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Cybercrime: How to Avoid Becoming a Victim (Paperback)

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Product Name
Cybercrime: How to Avoid Becoming a Victim (Paperback)
Product Description

Cybercrime: How to Avoid Becoming a Victim is a nuts and bolts how-to guide for the typical home-computer user. It addresses the various crimes being committed via the Internet and gives instructions on how to avoid becoming a victim of each. The chapters dealing with individual cybercrimes are laid out in a format consisting of a discussion of the basics of the crime followed by real-life examples of the particular crime and then things computer users can do to avoid becoming a victim of the crime. Also included in the book is a chapter on the role of organized crime in Internet fraud and another chapter on Internet hoaxes. In addition an appendix gives information on where to report various cybercrimes and another appendix gives definitions of cybercrime terms. To illustrate specific crimes over 200 actual case reports are used.

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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