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Deathlands 82 Apocalypse Unborn (2008) Graphic Audio Book CD Box Set - (James Axler)

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Product Name
Deathlands 82 Apocalypse Unborn (2008) Graphic Audio Book CD Box Set - (James Axler)
Product Description

Magus is a steel-eyed cybernetic sociopath whose bloodlust knows no bounds. Now the savage Pacific isles above a long-submerged Southern California are his new arena. Ryan wants a second chance to chill Magus once and for all. But as the ringmaster of torture orchestrates his magnum opus a stunning sideshow is under way. PreDark whitecoats believe they have found the key to turn back time and intercept the deed that erased human history.But in the Deathlands there is no turning back. Or is there?

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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